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Sacred Waters Yoga Therapy

Sacred waters Yoga therapy is aimed for women of all ages.

Throughout our lives we find ourselves in different cycles . We encounter our first cycles at menarche and every month as we bleed , we can notice changes at various times in our monthly cycle. We might also through our cycles encounter pregnancies , births as well as losses through miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies ,stillbirths.

Later on in life as  we come into pre-menopause, menopause and peri- menopause , where again can find the deep wisdom within our selves.

Womens Yoga therapy aims to assist you with bodily awareness through movement and breath as well as bringing you closer to your own cycle and learning how to incorporate cyclical awareness into your everyday life . When we are in tune with our bodies also our mind and soul have a chance to feel more grounded and in tune with not only our own cycles but also the cycles of nature.


Prior to your appointment you will be sent a booking form so we can establish what you would like to get out of the session and a plan for you with specific movements to continue at home.







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